Task 1. Find synonyms in the text for:
1. a big problem for society
2. a search for excitement
3. avoid v.
4. cause v.
5. change v.
6. take part in actions with negative consequences
7. destroy v.
8. driving too dangerously
9. have a desire for
10. help v.
11. is increasing
12. involving little exercise or physical activity
13. need v.
14. on the surface
15. people dependant on adrenaline
16. people who do reckless things
17. provoking, calling for
18. restrict v.
19. risk v.
20. self-control
Living on the Edge: Extreme Sports should not be restricted
Model argumentative essay
We all crave adventure to some degree or another, but there are some people who need above average excitement and take it one step further, participating in high-risk activities- sports played on the edge, where the consequences are far greater, and where as the great American mountaineer and outdoor philosopher Willi Unsoeld once said, ‘It has to be real enough to kill you.’ With regard to extreme sports, the perception of the general public is that people who choose to take risks are irresponsible ‘adrenaline junkies’ who are ultimately a burden to society. When a person takes unnecessary risks, and becomes injured or in need of rescue, the expenses for coming to their aid are often borne by taxpayers. A backcountry rescue after skiers trigger an avalanche, for example, will cost thousands of dollars. Some voices in the public, therefore, call for a restriction of such sports to avoid having to pay for these seemingly foolish actions. However, participation in extreme sports should not be restricted, because by curbing a person’s passions and access to their chosen sports these athletes will find outlets for their energy in the form of addictions, reckless driving or gambling that is much more burdensome and costly to society.
Risk-taking behaviors should be encouraged since the current trends to minimize risks and risk taking are going to suffocate the entrepreneurial spirit in society. Psychologists studying thrill seeking risk-takers for decades, and has developed the term “Type T” (T standing for thrill seeking). Type T’s are not just the mountain climbing daredevils of the world, however. They are often our best inventors, entrepreneurs and explorers. They are CEOs, surgeons, and civil rights leaders.History's most crucial events are shaped by Type T individuals exhibiting Type T behaviour, from Boris Yeltsin to Martin Luther King, Jr. We wouldn’t be the progressive, vibrant society we are today if no one was willing to take risks. The act of emigration, he says, is an intrinsically risky endeavor that selects individuals who are high in sensation seeking.Consequently, countries built upon immigrant population--
Without relatively safe outlets for this drive, people predisposed to risk taking behaviors will seek out more undesirable activities, with potentially greater personal, social, and economic consequences. In fact, Type T personalities might satisfy their craving for stimulation through abusing sex, drugs and alcohol, gambling, reckless driving or engaging in other destructive behaviours. If we deprive them of extreme sports they might become someone who will stop by the casino on their way home from work in search of excitement. Or they might find themselves gambling beyond his means in an attempt to stave off boredom.’ Gambling addiction is a serious problem that can quickly devastate individuals, destroy marriages, break up families and lead to other addictions and health problems. Many people never recover and become a long term drain on the public purse as they require rehabilitation, welfare, and often expensive, ongoing medical care.
Practicing any sports, traditional or extreme, keeps the youth healthy. Consider the kids in the skateboard park. Without the park at the local community center where they can practice and refine their skills, they might follow the lead of many of their peers, opting for a more sedentary existence playing video games which has proven links to obesity and contributed a fivefold increase in childhood obesity over the past 20 years. Opportunities for physical activity for children are critical to turning that trend around, and avoiding heart disease and other health problems down the road. In a day and age where heart disease and type 2 Diabetes are on the rise, we really shouldn’t be discouraging anyone from pursuing physical activities. The long-term costs associated with treating the inevitable outcome of obesity and heart disease are far greater than the cost of setting a few broken arms and repainting a few railings.
Instead of discouraging extreme athletes, we should celebrate them for climbing higher, going faster and pushing the limits of human endurance. As T.S. Elliot once said, “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” With public support, extreme athletes can expand our boundaries, and stregthen the spirit that is manifested in the entrepreneurial endeavors of mankind.
All in all, people who are predisposed to take risks are fulfilling their needs in extreme sports in legitimate ways, since the high they are seeking is achieved through self discipline, hard work, and a healthy lifestyle. While there are some risks involved in extreme sports, by curbing their passions and limiting access to activities some consider too dangerous, we may be inviting even greater risk in the form of addictions, crime and health problems the end result of which is a heavy burden for society to bear.
Source text adapted by Kisdobos: