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CLASS 3.1: Technology statements

2009.03.22. 18:32 | kisdobos | 2 komment

Címkék: class

                      Task 1. Read the statements concerning the advantages and disadvantages of technology. De-jumble the jumbled phrases. See solutions in Comments.  Do the…

EXTRA 3.1: Post comment on lunch line cams

2009.03.22. 17:25 | kisdobos | 3 komment

Címkék: extra

Task 1. Match the definitions with corresponding phrases in the text. See solutions in comments. 1.       a country where citizens are watched and followed2.       association, memories (bad or…

EXTRA 3.2: Writing. Technology

2009.03.22. 17:17 | kisdobos | 1 komment

Címkék: writing extra

Task 1. Write a 350-word essay  on the benefits and flipsides of technology, and technological progress. When you sit down to write, try to make a quick list of different inventions and technological processes, and then categorize them. This will help you broaden your focus, so you won’t…

CLASS 2.1: Odd baby names

2009.03.11. 14:56 | kisdobos | Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: class

                    Task 1. Comment on this newsclip in a few sentences. This Is My Son Superman Thursday, August 09, 2007   A New Zealand baby may go through life with the name…

EXTRA 2.1: Odd baby names. Reader opinions

2009.03.11. 14:54 | kisdobos | 3 komment

Címkék: extra usage

                              Task 1. Fill in the gaps with the missing phrases. a.       turned…

EXTRA 2.2: Writing

2009.03.11. 14:52 | kisdobos | Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: extra

Task 1. Write an essay exploring both the drawback and benefits of odd baby names. 1.       As for ideas, you may borrow from your readings, but you can only use your memory to recall the arguments, and you may not look into the blog. So read these arguments once, and…

CLASS 1.1: Extreme sports

2009.03.04. 12:53 | kisdobos | 1 komment

Címkék: class

                Task 1. Insert the phrases.1.      amazing stunts2.      a new trend emerged3.      boast a more youthful…

EXTRA 1.1: Extreme sports. Essay

2009.03.04. 12:50 | kisdobos | 2 komment

Címkék: extra

                 Task 1. Find synonyms in the text for: 1.       a big problem for society2.       a search for excitement…

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